
Every coffee that we bring from the coffee farms worldwide to Latvia is truly unique and special. We know where the coffee has grown and how it has been processed; it is our way of caring about the high quality of our coffee.

Only roasting brings out so well-known aroma and flavour of coffee beans. It is truly magical and also so thrilling to discover and bring out what is hidden inside each and particular coffee.

It's a genuine pleasure for us to discover the new experience each time and deliver it to you.

kafijas veidi

Andris - Founder and CEO of Andrito Coffee Roastery.

As a child, every day when I travelled from my hometown Ogre to the music school in Riga, where I studied choir conducting, I could not even imagine that the day would come when I would open bags of coffee that had travelled from Ethiopia, Kenya and Guatemala, see the transformation of this coffee during roasting, experience the amazing aroma of coffee, enjoy such a journey into the world of coffee taste and I would offer you to experience all this too.

I came to coffee roasting slowly but surely. Until then, my work for several years had been about making coffee and teaching others how to make coffee, which gave me not only knowledge and experience, but also the knowledge that this is just a small part of the big world of coffee and that roasting is the next step to be able to discover even more of the nuances of coffee flavour.

Coffee has now become my passion and a job that gives me great joy and satisfaction. I know that there are still many adventures and surprises ahead of me, which I will definitely share with you!